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Femi Thompson | November 19, 2017#Phuck Yo Brunch Party @ Mister East, November 18th, 2017
#PhuckYoBrunchParty @ Mister East was a blast and certainly the event of the weekend for the Scorpio series. Table...
Femi Thompson | October 7, 2017Noir @ Noon: The Libra Brunch In All Black, Oct. 7th, 2017
The Brunch series with PhilinzheBrunch was back in effect and this time it was back with class and...
Femi Thompson | August 29, 2017Newark Under The Stars A Pop Up Dinner Experience 2017
Another year, another Saturday, and not just any perfect evening Newark Under The Stars Pop Up Dinner 2017...
admin | July 8, 2017BRUNCH AND DAY PARTY: “Trapped in The 90’s” June 25th, 2017
Brunch and Day Party was in full effect with the “Trapped in The 90’s” themed party. The festivities...
admin | June 30, 2017Mayor Ras Baraka Annual Ball 2017
NJPAC was greeted by the city of Newark for Mayor Ras Baraka Annual Ball hosted by the Mayor...
admin | April 6, 2017Mayor Ras Baraka Birthday Celebration
Mayor Ras Baraka celebrated his birthday last night with family, the residents of the city and politicians. There were...
admin | March 26, 2017Essex County Department Of Corrections Fundraiser
Essex County Department Of Corrections had their first annual officer awareness fundraiser basketball tournament. It was a fun...
admin | February 26, 2017Ro Diddy Birthday Event at VB3
Ro came to celebrate the first party of the year with a blowout birthday bash at VB3 alongside friends Mr....
admin | January 25, 2017Capricorn Birthday Bash @ Dolce Lounge
The Capricorns came to celebrate the with a blowout birthday bash at Dolce Lounge alongside friends Mr. Thompson last night as they...
admin | January 7, 2017Tex Birthday Event @ VB3
The illustrious Tex came to celebrate the first party of the year with a blowout birthday bash at...